Professional Dedicated Servers by Spinservers: Excellent Performance and Custom Configurations

频道:美国服务器 日期: 浏览:333

What about spinservers? Spinservers, a professional American dedicated server provider, was established in 2018. It has two data centers in San Jose and Dallas, offering a whopping 10Gbps of bandwidth. It supports both Linux and Windows operating systems, and custom configurations are possible. You can pay with Alipay. The performance of Spinservers' dedicated servers is outstanding, and the price is reasonable, making it suitable for a variety of user needs. This article will provide a detailed introduction to Spinservers' dedicated servers, helping you understand the pros and cons of Spinservers and the various package options.

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Professional Dedicated Servers by Spinservers: Excellent Performance and Custom Configurations

SpinServersoverseas registration-free servers:

1、Silicon Valley servers(pre-configured)

Professional Dedicated Servers by Spinservers: Excellent Performance and Custom Configurations

CPUCPU core countMemoryHard driveBandwidthOriginal priceDiscount/monthPromotion code
Dual Intel Xeon E5-2630L v316x 2.90 GHz Turbo64GB1.6TB NVMe10G/30T$179$89.00618SV1664N

2、Dallas servers(pre-configured)

CPUCPU Core CountMemoryHard DriveBandwidthOriginal PriceDiscount/monthPromotion Code
Dual Intel Xeon E5-2696 v444 Cores @ 2.2GHz512GB4 x 1.6TB SSD10G/100T$599$249.00618D445124